The BAM! Crown

What you’ll need:

What you’ll need:

  • Just glue!

What’s helpful:

  • Something to roll pieces flat after you glue

Questions about materials? Check out our crafting supplies guide.


For help with icons we use in these instructions, check out our crafting tips guide.

Follow along with an instructional video.

You can read through the step by step instructions are below.

If you need extra help, click on the step title to load the video from that step.


Printed on computer paper? It’s time to ply. Follow our plying instructions and pick up at step 2 once you’re done.

Printed on cardstock? Cut out all the pieces before moving to step 2.

Got a deliver to me costume? Gently separate out each piece and you’ll be ready for step 2.

Jump to this step in the how-to video >

Find the two spiky pieces, and join them at the glue mark.

Find the two rectangles, and join them at the glue mark.

Glue the bottom of the spikes to the long side of the rectangle that does not have a stripe.

Take the piece with only one glue tab and glue that to the left of the spikes.

Take the piece with two glue tabs and glue that to the right of the spikes.

The remaining pieces are stickers to decorate your crown! This is easier while the crown is still flat.

To fit the crown, wrap it around your head. Make sure the glue tab sits underneath.

Glue or staple where the ends overlap.


When the glue dries, your moth mask is complete!